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Leading Edge Data Centres: Leading the way in bringing reliable IT infrastructure, connectivity and cloud services to regional communities.

Leading Edge Data Centres (LEDC) is on a mission to reduce the digital divide in regional Australia by building next generation, Tier III certified data centres. These provide IT infrastructure, connectivity and cloud services in regional areas across the eastern seaboard of Australia.

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Leading Edge Data Centres: Leading the way in bringing reliable IT infrastructure, connectivity and cloud services to regional communities.


5 ways to reduce the cost of your network maintenance contracts

Keeping your networks properly maintained is crucial to avoid downtime and protect against cyber threats. However, maintenance costs can chew up a decent portion of your annual IT budget – which is especially difficult if you’re under pressure to reduce costs while catering to increased...

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5 ways to reduce the cost of your network maintenance contracts


How SASE is supporting the future of remote work

Remote work has been on a steady increase for decades, driven by worker and consumer needs, and supported by advancing technology. Now in the wake of a global pandemic, all business leaders have been forced to re-think the traditional bums on seats mentality, and overhaul it in favour of a more...

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How SASE is supporting the future of remote work


How AI in networking can generate more money for your business

As technology continues to evolve, advances in networking are delivering a suite of benefits to businesses across a wide range of industries. At a basic level, network monitoring has become vastly more efficient due to the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI). Organisations can deploy AI...

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How AI in networking can generate more money for your business


Insourcing versus outsourcing IT staff

The cost to recruit, train and retain staff can come with a hefty price tag; particularly when research shows it can take 6 months for a company to break even on an investment in a new hire.

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Insourcing versus outsourcing IT staff


When is it time to change managed service providers?

Even if it was love at first sight, there comes a time in every B2B relationship when it makes sense to stop, think and review. Mindlessly renewing your managed services agreement is like renewing an insurance policy year after year without assessing if it still meets your needs and stacks up...

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When is it time to change managed service providers?